A Scottish Metal Detectorist Found a 400-Year Old Lover’s Posy Ring

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A Scottish Metal Detectorist Found a 400-Year Old Lover’s Posy Ring

A gentleman in Scotland found a gold poesy ring from 400 years ago, and when he did, he was required to submit it to the “Treasure Trove Unit” of Scotland. After a legal process, if the National Museum of Scotland did not claim it, it would be returned to Mr. Robin Potter.  There’s been no easily found news of the ring’s disposition, and a search of the Scottish Museum’s Collections did not reveal that it was acquired by the Museum. We’re curious to know what became of this wonderful posy ring.

You can see the ring here:  https://www.scotsman.com/heritage-and-retro/heritage/17th-century-gold-lovers-tiff-ring-found-in-scottish-field-3297792

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